When Is a Night Guard Recommended?

Night GuardNight guards are often recommended for people who have been diagnosed with bruxism, more commonly known as grinding one's teeth at night. Over time teeth grinding can potentially create a lot of problems that are not only dental-related but also health-related. Depending on how often someone grinds their teeth at night as well as the severity in which they do it with will ultimately determine the consequences that can come with nighttime teeth grinding. While there is no specific evidence on why someone would grind their teeth at night some studies have shown that people who are under a lot of stress or worry a lot are more susceptible to teeth grinding at night.

Practicing relaxation methods can be extremely beneficial for teeth grinders.

Teeth grinding

Some of the problems related to teeth grinding include intense jaw pain, regular headaches, cracked teeth and even receiving a TMJ diagnosis. Another huge dental problem that can be a direct result of teeth grinding is wearing away a tooth's enamel, which can never be replaced once it is gone. While the majority of people who grind their teeth do so when they are sleeping there are as those who also unconsciously grind or clench their teeth during the day, also known as awake bruxism.

Night guards

Night guards are dental devices that are meant to be worn at night when sleeping in order to prevent the many negative effects that can come with the act of teeth grinding. When someone wears a night guard they are putting a layer of protection in between their teeth in order to protect their teeth from any damage. While night guards are not able to solve all of the problems that come with teeth grinding at night they can prove to be very beneficial when it comes to protecting the teeth.

When is a night guard recommended?

A night guard is recommended when a dentist is concerned that a patient's teeth are going to become damaged due to the teeth grinding. A night guard is able to absorb a lot of the pressure that would normally be put directly on the teeth and therefore is able to prevent a lot of damage from happening to the teeth. In addition, a night guard can also help to prevent any bite problems or jaw displacement problems that are often a result of someone grinding their teeth at night.

When a night guard is recommended a custom fit one will be made in order to provide the patient with that comfort they need in order to comfortably fall and stay asleep.

Mouthguard vs. night guard

Many people tend to get mouth guards and night guards mixed up because they are indeed very similar. A night guard is a dental device that is specifically made to protect someone's teeth while they are sleeping due to the act of grinding their teeth during the night. A mouth guard is a protective device specifically made to protect the entire mouth when someone is playing sports.

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