Toothache from Teeth Grinding

Toothache Forest Hills, NY

Managing a toothache can be difficult, especially when it persists or gets more intense. The good news is there are ways to treat toothaches and the symptoms that come with them. There are even ways you can avoid having them in the first place. While tooth decay and infections are common causes of pain in and around teeth, there are other culprits. Grinding your teeth can also be problematic and cause discomfort.

Signs of a toothache

It is not unusual for people to have toothaches. Often, toothaches come and go quickly. A person may feel a sharp jolt of pain when eating or drinking something cold or hot. But sometimes, the pain will not go away without treatment. It can also get worse as time passes. When toothaches intensify, decay and abscesses are frequently the causes.

Other signs of toothaches include headaches and earaches. The pain can shoot into the jaw and into other places in the mouth and face. It may hurt to eat or speak. Toothaches can cause the jaw to swell and feel tender to the touch.

Teeth grinding: what it is and why people do it

Many people grind their teeth and do not even realize it, and it is often a nighttime habit. It is characteristic of a person clenching teeth together. For many people, this habit is due to anxiety or nervousness. It could be a way of coping with stress. For other people, teeth grinding is connected to sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea. Having a bite dysfunction or crooked teeth can also increase the odds that a person will have the habit of teeth grinding.

The effects of teeth grinding

Minor teeth grinding may not have serious consequences. However, it can lead to a toothache and other dental problems. Excessive grinding can wear down teeth and cause them to become misshapen. This can cause pain and discomfort when chewing. These toothaches can also contribute to jaw pain and TMJ disorder.


Treating a toothache can begin at home. The person suffering from one should take an over-the-counter medication, such as Ibuprofen and Tylenol. Placing an icepack at the affected site can soothe the pain and reduce any swelling. It can also help to rinse with warm salt water. The person should also call the dentist as soon as possible. The dentist will determine the cause of the pain and may have to perform a root canal or extract the tooth.

Treating teeth grinding

When teeth grinding is the cause of a toothache, the dentist will explore ways to control this habit. It may be a matter of discussing with the patient the triggers that are leading to teeth grinding. The dentist can talk about ways the patient can more effectively manage stress and anxiety. The dentist may also fit the patient with a mouthguard to wear at night to prevent teeth grinding.

Control your teeth grinding to reduce your tooth pain

If you have a toothache, your habit of grinding your teeth may be to blame. You do not have to live with this pain. Your dentist has solutions to controlling this habit. Make an appointment today so that you can find relief.

Request an appointment here: or call Metro Smiles Dental at (718) 841-9591 for an appointment in our Forest Hills office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Toothache in Forest Hills, NY.

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