Categories: Dental Restorations

Why Is Dental Pulp Important?

When it comes to tooth anatomy, every part of the tooth is vital and serves a purpose. The enamel serves as the first line of defense, the armor for the tooth. The dentin serves as the skeleton, creating a structure and framework. The root sinks into the jawbone for maximum stability, and the gumline forms a seal to protect it all.

But what is dental pulp and why does the tooth need it?

Growth of the tooth

The dental pulp, also called the endodontium, contains all the living tissue in the tooth and acts as a kind of brain or heart for the rest of the tooth. It provides the blood and other materials needed to create and grow the teeth, which is why the dental pulp is so important in young people.

Once the adult tooth erupts, the dental pulp simply provides blood to the area.

Blood vessels

The dental pulp is full of tiny, tightly packed blood vessels that come from the jaw, through the pulp and extend into the dentin. This is, unfortunately, how tooth decay and bacteria get into the pulp once the enamel has worn away.


The dental pulp is the nerve center of the tooth, which is also where most of the pain comes from. The nerve networks of the dental pulp are extensive, which is probably why toothaches are so painful and debilitating.

Structural integrity

Dental pulp is low on the list of structures that keep the tooth rigid and strong, but it Is not without merit. For instance, once the dental pulp is removed (like after a root canal), the tooth can sometimes become brittle and more likely to crack.

This is why dental crowns are often recommended after root canals, in order to make up for the loss of the dental pulp and any small cracks or fissures formed by the surgery itself.

Problems with dental pulp

Unfortunately, all these unique characteristics also make dental pulp one of the most common problem areas for dental work. Most toothaches and tooth pain come from the dental pulp, simply because it is the living part of the tooth that is jam-packed with tissue and nerves.

Sometimes, dental pulp has to be removed entirely (such as in a root canal) when the area is infected and becomes too painful. Now, for a full-grown tooth, this is not a huge loss, but the procedure itself (while better than it once was) is still something most of us would like to avoid.

Questions about dental pulp?

Wondering if your dental pulp is the source of your tooth pain? Want to know more about how it grows the tooth, what its functions are or how to best take care of your teeth and pulp? Visit or call your dentist to learn more.

Call (718) 841-9591 today to reach Metro Smiles Dental.

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