What Are Same Day Bridges?

BridgesSame day dental bridges are an excellent option, especially for individuals who are missing one or more teeth but have healthy teeth on the sides of the empty area. This is the ideal tooth replacement option for such a situation. Tooth bridges are considered to be a fairly conservative treatment that keeps the teeth and bone within the mouth perfectly healthy.

We will add the bridge to current teeth in preparation for artificial teeth. Advances in technology make it possible for us to place a bridge in as little as a day's time.

A Closer Look at Same Day Dental Bridges

We can make same day bridges from various materials consisting of porcelain, gold or another metal base. Most consider metal-free porcelain to be the most appealing variety. The patient's choice of material ultimately hinges on his or her unique priorities and preferences. As long as the patient takes proper care of the same day bridge, oral health will improve right along with the patient's self-confidence.

Ride the Dental Tech Wave With Same Day Bridges

Tech advancements like the CEREC milling system empower dentists and their teams to make fully customized dental restorations in as little as one appointment. CEREC is an acronym that stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. This is a restoration treatment method in which we use a milling station in combination with digital workflows to form dental solutions.

These solutions address everything from discolorations to chips and even missing teeth in a single visit. Here is a look at how it works. Images of the patient's smile will form a three-dimensional model of the mouth. The software then builds a crown that fits the patient's natural smile.

This high-tech approach hastens the process. The patient can have his dental bridge placed on the same day he requests it. There is no sense in waiting weeks for an outside laboratory to do the work when it can be done in as little as a single day.

The Many Benefits of Same Day Bridges

If you are dreading that messy and uncomfortably putty when we take the dental impression, do not fret. The impression for the restoration is totally digital. We custom-tailor this restoration to the perfect fit,  providing natural-looking results and a flawless feel. We can do all of this in as little as a day's time.

The benefits also include enhanced comfort and convenience. You can obtain a same-day crown without sacrificing your comfort. There is no need to place or remove temporaries. All that is necessary is the high-quality image of your smile, a single day's time and a willingness for improved oral health.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment

If you are considering same day bridges or any other oral health solution, reach out to us to schedule an appointment. Let us take a look at your mouth, help you settle for the right treatment and ultimately make your oral health that much better.

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