What Procedures Does a Cosmetic Dentist Perform?

Cosmetic DentistAs a cosmetic dentist, we can perform many procedures that will improve your smile. If you need improvements, replacements, or general services performed on your teeth, we can provide you with the most comprehensive care available. You will be impressed with the huge difference a simple cosmetic tooth repair can make. In our cosmetic dentist office, we offer a variety of improvement options for our patients. 

Teeth cleaning: If you have not had your teeth cleaned recently and you are wondering why they look so dull, you will be pleasantly surprised by the difference a thorough teeth cleaning can make. A teeth cleaning performed in our office will remove any plaque or tartar build up in all the obvious places, as well as all of the hard to reach areas of your teeth. A teeth cleaning helps you maintain the health of your teeth and gums in addition to all the physical improvements it makes. Our cleaning and polishing will leave your teeth feeling fresh and looking spotless. You may decide that is all the improvement you are looking for regarding your teeth.

Teeth whitening: A teeth whitening may be in order if you have noticed a consistent dullness or a yellow tinge to your teeth. Sometimes even after you receive a deep cleaning, you may realize you have more permanent stains on your teeth. As a cosmetic dentist office, we can provide you with a teeth whitening service that will return your teeth to their original pearly white shade.

Veneers: Dental veneers can work wonders for your smile. As a cosmetic dentist, we can apply a thin composite or porcelain veneer layer over your current teeth to improve the shape of your teeth, the spacing of them, and the overall color of your teeth. Our veneers are specially fabricated to match your existing tooth and the natural shape of your mouth. The veneer technology makes it possible to create a completely customized improvement to the overall appearance of your teeth and smile. This cosmetic process requires very little modification of your natural teeth and creates an incomparable smile upgrade.

Crowns: A dental crown application may be necessary if you have extensive damage to your original tooth or you would like to change the entire appearance of your tooth. As a cosmetic dentist, we can create and apply a completely natural-looking crown for the required teeth. Our crowns provide coverage so that your tooth will not experience any further decay or damage. These crowns also give your mouth a 'whole' look. You will be pleased with the appearance of your crowned teeth, and you may not even be able to tell which ones have had work done!

In addition to these great services, we can also offer you more extensive and more long-lasting solutions for trouble areas in your mouth. Our dental bridges and dental implants are manufactured with unbeatable quality and durable materials so that you can enjoy these permanent modifications for years to come. No matter what your cosmetic dental needs are, our cosmetic dentist office can perform any number of procedures to improve your smile.    


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