Your Graduate Needs a Teeth Whitening Appointment

Teeth WhiteningOral health and teeth whitening may be far from your child's mind but if they are graduating from college, this may be just what they need.  Reaching the point of college graduation is no easy task.  Whether they are getting their four-year degree or wrapping up their masters, it would have taken years of dedication and commitment to reach this point.  It would have also required countless late night study sessions and weekends prepping for finals.  To get through these long nights, they undoubtedly drank gallons of coffee or cans of energy drinks.  This may have led to them getting the grades that they needed, but their teeth may have suffered in the process.

Due to dietary changes and a busy schedule that doesn't often leave room for oral health, we have found that many college students end up with cavities during their time in school.  We understand that the focus during these years is getting an education but as they near graduation, it is time to shift the focus back to their health.  As they near graduation, it is the perfect time to schedule a dental exam, teeth cleaning, and whitening appointment.

Scheduling a teeth whitening encourages healthy habits.

When people have bright, white teeth, they are more apt to take care of them than if their teeth are yellow and stained.  It's basic psychology and our desire to keep nice things in good condition while disregarding what isn't.  Given the need to encourage lasting oral health, having your graduates teeth whitened, only makes sense.

Another reason they should have this procedure done is that it can improve their chances of getting their dream job.  Yes, the appearance of their teeth is nowhere near as important as the degree they are getting, but, studies have proven that their smile can make a difference in whether or not they are hired. According to the data, if they are going head to head against a graduate with a similar resume, the person with the better smile would typically be hired.  Additional research has shown that if they have a beautiful smile, they will be perceived as a better team player and more likely to get a raise.  Considering how hard they, and you, have worked to get them to this point, taking an extra hour to give them an edge, is a worthwhile investment.

Why our teeth whitening solution produces better results.

Once you have decided to whiten their teeth, you must consider how you want to go about it.  We are well aware that the drugstore is full of whitening products.  Many of our patients start here.  However, there is one major issue to consider, and that's results.  The products that you buy in the store will typically only remove the stains on the surface of the enamel.  The problem is that most stains and yellowing live below the enamel, so you need a professional grade whitening solution to achieve the best results.  Once placed on the teeth, our solution penetrates below the enamel and starts the process of oxidization so that the molecules change to reflect less light and appear colorless.  As they do, their teeth will be bright, white and beautiful.


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