4 Simple Steps to Place Dental Implants

When it comes to getting dental implants, evaluating the different options can sometimes seem overwhelming. However, with dental technology becoming more advanced and available, for people who have one or more missing teeth, there is an option for anyone.

One of the leading ways dentists and their patients are opting in for is dental implants. In this article, we are going to look over and go through the steps that a person who decides to get a dental implant will go through from start to finish!

What are the steps to get dental implants?

Once a patient and their dentist come to the consensus that dental implants are the best solution to restore a tooth or missing teeth, they will go through the following steps:

Step 1: Talk to your dentist

Staying in communication with your dentist during the dental implant process is crucial. It’s also important to keep this open communication with your dentist after the placement is complete. If any issues arise, always let your dentist know!

Step 2: Making sure the jawbone is strong enough

The most important thing to remember with dental implants is that the dentist will ensure the jaw bone is strong enough to receive and securely hold an implant insert. If the bone is not strong enough, the dentist will suggest a bone graft to ready the jaw for the implant process.

Step 3: Insert spoke

Inserting the spoke into the jaw bone is a simple process if the jaw is strong enough. Once the spoke is inserted, getting the dental crown that will go on top is the easiest and last step a patient will take.

Step 4: Dental crown

After the dental crown comes in from being crafted, the dentist will make sure it fits good, is the right shade of color and does not rub or cause any issues for the teeth next to the crown. If these issues are present, a replacement dental crown is very simple to have crafted.

Once the dentist has ensured these areas of the teeth and mouth are not problematic, they will fasten it on top to the abutment and the patient will be on their way.

Dental implants start at your general dentist

It is important for the patient to follow up with the dental professional after the procedure is complete. The dentist just needs to make sure the implant is fusing with the jaw correctly. Rarely, but occassionally, the body could reject the implant. A follow-up a few months later so the dentist can check the progress of the implant is key.

A dental implant can last up to forty years with proper care. It changes peoples lives for the better, bringing confidence and security back to them. Talk to your dental professional today to see how you can start the process to a better, happier smile.

Are you ready to find out more about dental implants and how simple it can be to get the smile you have always wanted? Give us a call today!

Request an appointment here: https://metrosmiles.com or call Metro Smiles Dental at (718) 841-9591 for an appointment in our Forest Hills office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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